Daily Tee: If I Had A Boat custom t-shirt design by MrWayne

American Apparel T-Shirt. 100% cotton with a fabric weight of 145g/m². Digital Direct. T-shirt design by MrWayne YOu can buy this t-shirt from en.lafraise.com  

Ocean of Secrets custom t-shirt design by nicebleed

Still there are more mysteries and undiscovered things beneath the surface of the ocean. T-shirt design by nicebleed You can buy this t-shirt from designbyhumans.com  

Daily Tee: The Dreamers t-shirt design

I’m a person who loves building castles in the air… Because really, who doesn’t like to dream? 4 colours on black. Hope you’ll enjoy it. T-shirt designed by Graphema You can buy this t-shirt from springleap.com  

Daily Tee: Plunge t-shirt design

Let go, immerse yourself, plunge in. You can buy this t-shirt from imaginaryfoundation.com