Pinup Predator
Design by Tom Burns
is a 36.08 year old boy and has been a part of the Threadless community for 8 years, 8 months! He has scored 50920 submissions, giving an average score of 1.81, helping 849 designs get printed.
Known to Earth as The Predator, he is one of a close clique of alien hunters who scour the galaxies seeking the ultimate surge of excitement as well as the prize of the most glorious catch. The Predators land on varied habitable planets and are drawn by intense heat as well as conflict between native races. They possess advanced survival and destruction technology, notably light-bending camouflage as well as wrist-mounted explosives capable of obliterating entire cities. The Predators are, naturally, carnivorous creatures but also have a code of honor, and now is sexy too !!!
YOu can buy this tee from Threadless.